Today's ride took me from Fort Thomas to Safford.
I arrived in Safford a little later than I had hoped, and after cruising around aimlessly for a while looking for a reasonable and safe camping spot, I ran into a lady on her way to herd escaped cattle.
After telling me all about the town and its folk, she mentioned the town's public park as the best place to camp from both a safety and convenience perspective. The convenience aspect is that (like last night) there is a Family Dollar store nearby that stays open late. So I could get food and Body Armor. It is always great when I can buy food rather than have to break out the camp stove and the freeze-dried food.
It was starting to get dark, so I rushed to find a spot to pitch the tent. I found a great spot behind the Lions meeting hall and felt very pleased with myself. That is until the sprinklers came on. Fortunately, it was not too bad and all I had to do was move the tent about two feet out of the way, and all was well. I checked to make sure that there were no other sprinkler heads in the vicinity, as I would not have appreciated a midnight shower. After this excitement it was dark so I finished setting up camp with my old faithful solar lanterns lighting things up for me.
All was well until the early hours of the morning when I woke up being very cold. That was when I realized that in the rush to get everything sorted, I had forgotten to insert the flannel warmer into the sleeping bag. It took me a couple of minutes to locate and insert it and was then comfortable and warm again.
This morning was nippy but fine. Got some breakfast from the same friendly neighborhood Family Dollar, made coffee, had my breakfast, and broke up camp
Morning Greeting
Along The Way
View Of The Horizon Leaving Fort Thomas
Good Night