The Inn I stayed at last night, was a bit of a mess. It didn't bother me too much though, as the guy running it (Danny) had only recently returned to the Inn, and is working very hard to bring it up to scratch again.
Danny has got a wall with photos of Southern Tier riders that he is very proud of.
He made sure the room was clean and left fruit for me this morning when I was packing up. If you see this Danny, thanks again.
As this was going to be a long day, it ended with 88 miles, I was all heads down and pedaling. The only times I stopped was when I saw this airstrip and the model plane. I just had to take a few pictures. The other was the historical marker relating to the history of the railways in the area.
I can confess, I was tired by the time I got to Comstock. All I wanted to do was eat something and sleep.
Morning Greeting
No morning greeting - I need to get on the road.
Leaving The Budget Inn

Along The Way
Sorry, did not get to do the goodnight video. I was too tired.