I seem to be getting a lot more dog encounters lately. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I am now on farm roads and the farmers tend to have fences to keep bigger animals in/out and not a fence to keep dogs in.
My dog encounter today happened when I stopped at a service station for a bio break. When I came back to my bike, I saw this dog walking around and sniffing the bike, but when she saw me approaching she cowered and shied away. I didn’t want to frighten her even more, so I just went and sat on the bike and started talking to her. After a while, she approached again and I could see that she was in very bad condition. She had clumps of hair falling out, her ribs were sticking out, and she was clearly unhappy. It really upsets me to see animals in such a bad state. If I could, I would have taken the poor dog to a veterinarian, had it seem to, and taken her home with me.
On a brighter note, after I got myself settled for the evening I went to the Dollar General to shop for dinner. There were two ladies in front of me at the checkout. They were discussing whose EBT card they should use to pay for their groceries. They settled on one and handed it to the cashier. Unfortunately, the card was declined as there was no balance. The ladies were extremely upset and provided a second card which was also declined. This left the ladies in a total fluster. The manager was then called and there was quite a bit of back-and-forth about how this should be handled. Next thing the cashier reached into his pocket, took out his wallet, and paid for the groceries. I was very impressed with this young man and made a point of telling him. He had handled the situation extremely well.
So my day started with a sad story and ended with a good story.
Morning Greeting
Along The Way
Good Night