Rye Beach, NH to Newbury Beach, MA
The last day of a truly amazing journey, and epic adventure!
It was an absolutely beautiful morning. I packed the bike early, had breakfast and got going. Because I left early "just in case", I started off at a leisurely pace, simply enjoying the morning. But about a mile into the ride, I saw another cyclist ahead of me, and decided I needed to overtake him. He responded, and the competition was on. We met up with another two cyclists along they way, and the rest is history. Four cyclists, competitive spirits, and a load of fun. I parted from them when I turned toward my destination.
As I neared the beach, I could see Marcy, Jeanette, Joel, Peggy and Yvonne waiting for me. This inspired me to go faster - I reached the group and skidded to a halt.
They all helped to unload the bike and pack my belongings in the hired minivan. We then walked to the seaside so that I could dip the front wheel of my bike into the Atlantic Ocean, signifying a successful ride across the USA. We then stowed my bike in the minivan, and together with Florry, who had joined us, headed to the Sunset Club for lunch.
Unbeknownst to us, this Saturday just happened to be the day of the annual music festival at Newbury Beach. It was a glorious day, so we sat outside in the sun, drinking champagne, enjoying a relaxing lunch, and listening to live music.
The perfect ending to my Ride Across America.
Newbury Beach, MA

Today's Ride - Grand Finale - RAA
Congratulations on an achievement that was more than just the miles completed, in fact it cannot really be measured... It's beyond... Well done and I am so proud of you..