Got the bike sorted by Joel at ReCycles Bicycle shop yesterday afternoon. Great guy prepared to help everybody, especially kids. He supplies them with old frames and usable parts to repair or rebuild their bikes. Been a long time since I last saw so many kids at a bike shop.
This morning started off a bit windy. Windy enough to have to break out the windbreaker for the chill it brought off the mountains.
Soon left Idaho, and crossed over into Montana. Strangely there was only a sign indicating the changeover of time zone to mountain time, and not announcing the different state.
At one point I was heading north, and had to make a turn onto Rt2 to go east again.
At the turn there is a signboard that gave the distance to Libby 50 miles, and Canada 30. I admit, I seriously considered not turning of to Libby.

Snow on the high mountains

Outside Sandpoint Idaho - Bet it is good Chili

Followed by BBQ and shopping your heart out at the general dealer

Don't forget the coffee

Pretty clever.

Being a pilot could be a hazardous occupation

Views of the mountain changes with every turn

Crossing the time zone

Love these mountains, even better the downhill ahead

Super views and such amazing little places