Started off with a breakfast at Henry’s in Libby. It is a classic diner style restaurant with all the regulars being greeted and greeting everybody as they come in. Reminded me a bit of ‘Cheers’.
The first 15 to 20 miles was absolutely amazing. The route runs next to the Kootenai river. It was tranquil, with the only sounds coming from nature and a vehicle every now and then.
I saw a few signs warning about mountain (billy) goats crossing. I didn't imagine I would see one having a break in somebody's backyard. I stopped, and while it was looking at me I took a photo after which it got up and casually strolled across the road, and scooted up the mountain.
Later, I saw an eagle's nest, and decided to take a picture. As I walked closer I heard a lot of noise coming from the nest, and saw an eagle leaving the nest. There was still noise coming from the nest, so I realized there were eaglets. The parent was trying to protect them. As I walked back to my bike, the eagle came back to the nest, and gave me an earful.
Here is the Eagle flying away
Here is the Eagle coming Back
Amazing day..

A goat meeting the GOAT
Images of the river and a boat launch area

I’m so enjoying following along on your journey with you. Glad you are safe and enjoying the adventure so far. Love all the pics!