The storm let up during the early hours, so I decided to head for Dutton
All went well until late afternoon when the storm reached me about 10 miles out of Dutton. It caught me with 15 to 20 mph winds driving the rain. The raindrops hurt as if they were hailstones. I was pulling my hat rim down to keep the raindrops from hitting my face. Note, there is nothing along the Montana roads to provide any form of cover.
I figured that with the wind and rain coming off my right shoulder, I could use the wind and try to speed up to a point where the raindrops wouldn’t be stinging so much. It worked!
The rain suit did not stand a chance; by the time I reached Dutton I was soaked through. I found shelter in front of a store, and waited for the storm to abate before I started looking for some form of accommodation. I recalled seeing a sign on the side of the road indicating a camp site, so retraced my path to try and figure out where it was located. I rode past a car stopped at a mailbox to pick up mail and asked the lady driver whether she could direct me to the campsite. Bad news - she informed me that it no longer existed. Then a most pleasant surprise - she asked whether I would like to camp in their yard. She just needed to clear it with her husband. She insisted I come in out of the rain and wait in the mudroom, while she chatted with her husband.
Tyler, her husband, came into the mudroom, introduced himself and asked whether I would prefer to stay in their home. How could I refuse? I settled into the basement, a great teenager-cave for their three kids. There was a futon that folded out for me to sleep on. Needless to say, I slept very well! I will be enterally grateful for the kindness of strangers.
Thank you Tyler and Dora of Dutton for your thoughtfulness and generosity.
Buildup of the storm

I figured also realized that with the wind and rain coming off my right should use the wind and try to speed up to a point where the raindrops wouldn’t be stinging so much. It worked! worked! orked! rked! ked! ed! d! ! I guess now you know why they have those wind farms in that part of Montana!