Tom and I had a good breakfast. Unfortunately Kris had an early appointment, so couldn't join us. Tom decided he felt like a ride, so joined me for the first 25 miles.
We went on a great local trail that follows the river, and is well maintained.
We stopped at his favorite park, had a quick snack from the local store, and parted company, with me heading out and Tom returning home.
Once again Mother Nature treated me to a shower. Fortunately I booked a room at a motel earlier in the day, so I could go directly to the room and have, you guessed it, a warm shower (one would think I should have had enough of showers by now :-) )

Historical information along the way To Stanford

I love this - repurposing an old vehicle. It appears to be a trend in Stanford, I saw a few of the old wrecks being used like this.