Circle, MT to Glendive, MT
A severe heat alert was sent out last night with heat expected to reach triple digits. I contacted Lauren and David to give them a heads up on the situation. We decided we would head out earlier than usual to try and avoid the extreme heat.
They left at first light, shortly after five, and I got ready to leave at six. As I started moving out, they came back saying that the wind was brutal and they would wait a day.
I decided to head out anyway. The first 16 miles were a major challenge, with the wind keeping my speed in the single digits. When I eventually arrived in Glendive, the temperature was 84F (29C). An hour later it was a different story, it was cooking. Good thing I got going early!
Just after the last climb for the day, I met a father and daughter team who are riding the Northern Tier route from Massachusetts to Washington State. They are raising funds for the Wounded Warrior Project, a very worthy cause. To share in Don and Liz's adventure, you can find their website here, and if you would like to make donation you can access it here.

Saw this and wondered where it was going, didn't investigate though.

Liz, Don, and myself

And my favorite t-shirt

All alone between somewhere and nowhere.

Don't see many of these around anymore. Open 24 hrs, and serves gluten free food.