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Day 44 - RAA Sect 6 - July 25th

Andre Wakeford

Burke, SD to Pickstown, SD

First real cool day in a while; I even had to put a windbreaker on. The early morning drizzle was welcome, and lasted for about 30 minutes.

For whatever reason, there was quite a bit of roadkill on the road this morning. Trucking along, I came across a couple of black ravens feeding on a carcass. They got pretty uptight with me when I disturbed them, but did not move too far away. They must have just wanted to make sure I was not going to deprive them of their food.

Not long after that I saw something feeding off another carcass. I was still too far away, and couldn’t make out what it was until I got closer. Fantastic surprise, it was two bat-eared fox. I did not want to chase them away, so I stopped. A car coming up behind me, and another approaching stopped as well. The fox kept on eating for a few seconds, and decided they had enough of the spectators. One started running down the road between the cars nearly under the wheels of another oncoming car, but managed to get out of the way and into the field. The other fox managed to get away by running into the fields without incident. What a nice experience for the day. With all the excitement, I couldn’t get to my phone in time to take a pic or a video. I’ll have to get going on mounting the GoPro properly for situations like this.

Interesting story around the existence of Pickstown. When the hydro project started, the project manager had a problem with the workers living in surrounding towns, and having to travel long distances to get to and from work. To address the issue, the controlling body acquired land at the top of the hill, and set up a temporary town with accommodation for the workers and stores to provide basic necessities. That temporary camp has become the permanent town of Pickstown. The town is well-populated with a good 18 hole golf course and a big casino complex at the far end of town.


Who knows what this is supposed to be. I liked what I saw, so took a picture

This was on a farm at ‎⁨Fairfax⁩, ⁨Coteau des Prairies⁩


‎⁨Saint Charles⁩, ⁨Missouri River Corridor⁩

Camping Area at the bottom of the hill from Pickstown

RV Park and Beach

Fuel for the Hydro Plant 😊


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