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Day 64 - TransAm Express East Bound - August 14th

Andre Wakeford

Casey, IL to Lieber State Park, IN

I needed to get the bike to a bike shop, and decided that as I am going through Indiana, I would rather take it to the bike shop I normally take my bikes to. This meant camping in Lieber State Park, then going home and having the bike seen to, before continuing Eastwards. Not a big detour, as the route passes just to the South of our home.

I had early breakfast with Fred and Judy, and after saying our goodbyes, I got on my way.

The ride up to Terre Haute was uneventful consisting mainly of secondary roads and cycling past many cornfields and bean crops. All was well until I got close to the Indiana State University (ISU) campus, when I had to start ignoring my mapping app as it did not reflect reality at all. Worked out OK though, I had a nice tour of the campus while figuring out where I should be going. I later discovered that the mapping was done shortly before major changes were made in the area. Once I was off the campus all was well again and I was on my way to Lieberman State Park.

When I arrived at the park, a park ranger walked over, chatted for a minute, then pointed to a spot next to the gate, and asked me to take a breather and wait for him. About 5 mins later he returned saying that he had sorted everything for me. He had allocated a site close to the showers and fresh water, on a pad between the trees. I was surprised, but also very happy, and I thanked him profusely.

As I was riding along looking for my site, I heard a kid saying 'I like your bike'. I turned and saw a happy and excited girl around 8 years old on a colorful bicycle with tassels hanging off the end of the handle bars. I said hello, thanked her, and she responded with 'do you want to race?'. I told her that I was too tired, and was looking for my camp site. She did not want any of that, she wanted to race. At this point her dad interrupted and told her not to bother people, and she responded by riding away. Her dad apologized, and I told him not to worry, as he may very well have a future champion in the making. They were day campers, and when they were getting ready to leave, she came over to say goodbye. I wish I had had the energy to race her!


Our friend Judy and I in Casey, IL. Fred was the photographer.

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