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Day 74 - Ohio to Erie Trail - August 24th

Andre Wakeford

Columbus, OH to Millersburg, OH

Last night I took a stroll down the road trying to find a convenience store where I could buy milk for breakfast. On the way I discovered a diner (Tommy's Diner) that was closed, but scheduled to open 6:30am. Great, I thought, I could come and get something more substantial than Honey Nut Cheerios and an energy bar for breakfast. I arrived just after opening time, and between the line cook and waitress, they managed to put together a good hot GF breakfast for me.

After breakfast, I started loading up the trike so I could get on the road. In the process I managed to lock myself out of the room by leaving the key card inside. In a tizzy, I walked over to the office hoping that there would be somebody on duty so early. Fortunately a lady had just walked in, and gave me another key after I identified myself. I walked away thinking "put something in front of the door, Wakeford". I am sure most everyone can relate!

Getting out of the city was pretty easy. Traffic was light, and within a few blocks I was on the Downtown Connector (I-670 Trail) which connects to the Alum Creek Trail, heading toward and eventually connecting to the Ohio to Erie trail. The reason I go into a bit of detail on the trails here, is to indicate how most major cities and towns are working to create an environment that is safe for cyclists. When it is not possible to create a bike path/trail, there are typically bike lanes.

During the day, I noticed individual Amish folk riding bicycles, mainly ladies with baskets on the bikes. Some baskets were empty, some were fully laden, but with what I couldn't say. Much later I came across several families riding together, which was great.

My intent was to stay over at a place called Killbuck. I arrived there with about 80mi on the clock, and was looking forward to the rest. I asked a gentleman who had came out of a convenience store whether he could tell me where I could find a camp site or another form of accommodation. He looked at me and said he was sorry to break it to me, but there is NO SUCH THING in Killbuck. The town is a railway depot and does not cater for tourists. He could only advise me to head on through to the next town, Millersburg, which has all the amenities. He gave me directions and warned me to prepare for a major climb. Just what I needed! I thanked him for the info, and then mentioned to him that I had come in on the Eerie trail, asking whether it would be possible to continue on the trail to get to Millersburg? Poor guy, he apologized profusely, and explained he did not even think in terms of the trail, and yes I could take the trail. He then gave me directions to get back the trail quickly. I thanked him and got on my way. It was about a 12-mile ride and I wanted to get there before sunset, so "put the pedal to the metal". At least I managed to avoid the major climb.

I arrived in Millersburg puffing and panting, and very quickly discovered that although there are several parks, not one of them has camping facilities. Not a problem though, I quickly found accommodation close to the trail.

I went through the normal ritual at check in, and was asked to present my drivers license. That was when I discovered that I no longer had it with me. The poor young lady behind the desk was even more distressed than what I was, and was willing to accept an insurance card as a means of identification. I was in a tizzy, and realized that I hadn't retrieved it from the lady at the motel when she gave me the card key. After I settled in, I tried phoning the motel, but of course the office was closed for the night. I realized I would have to try again in the morning.

So... stay tuned for updates.


Along The Trail


Trail signs

Last pic is a great artful sign for the Kokosing Gap Trail in Mount Vernon, Ohio

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1 Comment

Oct 07, 2022

Aaah Andre. This is great. I am enjoying catching up. I remember my panic one day when I checked in at a hostel and thought I had left my wallet behind - some 80 odd kms back. Fortunately I had simply mislaced it but I only discovered that after several calls to my previous night accommodation


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