Ticonderoga, NY to Rutland, VT
Early in the day there was a heavy mist, making everything damp and clammy. As the
morning wore on, the sun broke through, and with a slight breeze it was a pleasant ride.
It didn't take long to reach the ferry dock. Initially I was surprised that I was the only one there, but soon realized why. There is no fixed time schedule - the ferry remains docked in Shoreham, Vermont. If you want to cross over, you signal the ferryman by pulling a lever attached to a pole (see photo). The ferryman responds quickly and comes across to ferry passengers to VT.
I was excited to be in New England. It was fantastic to cycle through the mountains, and see all the lush green farms surrounding me, as far as the eye can see. Along the way, a dog saw me, and took off to come and say hello. Fortunately for me, and unfortunately for the dog, the farmer was way too quick and caught him by his collar. The farmer greeted me and suggested I keep going if I didn't want to spend the next hour playing with the friendly dog. I cycled on, and could hear the dog complaining about not being able to meet the stranger and have some fun.
The Ferry - Ticonderoga
The Ferry - Vermont
Interesting Mailbox
Beautiful Covered Bridge in Pittsford. Vermont is well known for covered bridges.

Today's Ride